BHNS Online Calendar
The BHNS Calendar is a Google Calendar you can subscribe to using most online calendars (Google Calendar, Microsoft, Outlook, Apple iCal, etc.). Instructions and links below.
A PDF file of the school calendar (without class activities/social events) is available here.
You can view BHNS calendars within your calendar application by subscribing to any or all of them as described below. We recommend subscribing to the "All School" calendar and one or more applicable class calendars.
Google Calendar:
(Make sure you are logged into your Google account.)
Click the name of the Calendar you would like to subscribe to
Once you have opened the calendar, click the blue plus button in the lower right of the calendar
A pop-up window will appear to allow you to add the calendar.
BHNS All School
BHNS T/TH 2024-2025
BHNS MWF 2024-2025
HNS Hawthorne 2024-2025
Spring TF2's 2025
Apple iCal Calendars:
Click the name of any calendar below to which you would like to subscribe. If your computer is configured properly, your calendar application will open and prompt for you to confirm the calendar subscription.
BHNS All School
BHNS T/TH 2024-2025
BHNS MWF 2024-2025
HNS Hawthorne 2024-2025
***If clicking the calendar name above does not open your preferred calendar application:
Highlight and copy the text link (starting with "http://...") below the name of the calendar to which you want to subscribe
Open your calendar application and follow the appropriate steps to subscribe to an Internet calendar (read your Help)
Paste the link when prompted for the Internet address of the calendar
Repeat for each calendar to which you would like to subscribe